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HT29-5FU resistant (10 microMolar)

HT29-5FU resistant (10 microMolar)

Catalogue No.


Cell Line Name

HT29-5FU resistant (10 microMolar)

Cell Line Description

HT29-5FU resistant (10 microMolar) is a cell population isolated from the human colon cancer cell line HT29 by adaption to 10µM 5-Fluorouracil (5FU). 5FU is a pyrimidine analogue used as an antineoplastic agent to treat multiple solid tumors including colon, rectal, breast, gastric, pancreatic, ovarian, bladder and liver cancer. HT29-5FU-resistant cells contain an increased proportion of goblet cells (compared to HT29-5FU resistant (1 microMolar), Acc No. 15121704); of approximately 20%. These secrete mucins of colonic immunoreactivity. A mucus gel becomes visible on the cell surface of the cell monolayer art post-confluency. These cells maintain their ability to differentiate under normal culture conditions in the absence of 5-Fluorouracil.

General Info



Unique to ECACC


Also Known As

HT295FU, HT295FU resistant, HT29-5FU resistant, HT29-5FU resistant (10-6M)



Contains 20% goblet cells. They secrete mucins with gastric immunoreactivity. The following proteins were found to be undetected: Sucrase-Isomaltase, aminopeptidase N, dipeptyidylpeptidase-IV, villin and P-glycoprotein. Also found increased levels of TS (Thymidylate Synthase) as shown by Northern blot analysis of total RNA.

Tissue of Origin




DNA profile (STR Profile)

Amelogenin: X

CSF1PO: 11, 12

D3S1358: 15, 17

D5S818: 11, 12

D7S820: 10

D8S1179: 10

D13S317: 11

D16S539: 11, 12

D18S51: 13

D21S11: 29, 30

FGA: 20

Penta D: 11, 13

Penta E: 14

TH01: 6, 9

TPOX: 8, 9

vWA: 17


After 10µM adaption 2 additional changes occur: an unbalanced translocation 12, 19, and loss of second chromosome 18, replaced by large derivative chromosome


Defining the biological characteristics of tumour cells resistant to current therapeutics to promote the development of new treatment strategies



Culture Conditions

Cell Type


Subculture Routine

Split sub-confluent cultures (70-80%) 1:3 to 1:6. Seeding can be as low as 0.32 x 10⁴ cells/cm² up to 4 x 10⁴ cells/cm², using 0.05% trypsin/EDTA solution. Cells are cultured at 37°C, in 90% air and 10% CO₂, and passaged every 3 to 4 days.

Culture Medium

DMEM with 10% heat-inactivated Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS), 10µM 5-Fluorouracil (5FU). Cryopreserve cells in 10% Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and 90% FBS.

Growth Mode


Additional Info


CelluloNet, France on behalf of Thecla Lesuffleur (INSERM)

Country of Origin


Hazard Group (ACDP)

Hazard Group (ACDP) 2



Leteurtre E, Gouyer V, Rousseau K, Moreau O, Barbat A, Swallow D, Huet G, Lesuffleur T. Differential mucin expression in colon carcinoma HT-29 clones with variable resistance to 5-fluorouracil and methotrexate. Biol Cell. 2004 Mar;96 (2):145-51. PMID: 15050369 Lesuffleur T, Violette S, Vasile-Pandrea I, Dussaulx E, Barbat A, Muleris M, Zweibaum A. Resistance to high concentrations of methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil of differentiated HT-29 colon-cancer cells is restricted to cells of enterocytic phenotype. Int J Cancer. 1998 May 4;76 (3):383-92. PMID: 9579576

Available Formats

  • Frozen
  • DNA-5µg (100ng/µl)

If use of this culture results in a scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: HT29-5FU resistant (10 microMolar) (ECACC 15121709).

Unless specified otherwise, at ECACC we routinely handle all of our cell lines at containment level 2 in accordance with the ACDP guidelines (Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens) (UK). All cell cultures have the potential to carry as yet unidentified adventitious agents. It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country. ACDP Guidance: Biological agents: Managing the risks in laboratories and healthcare premises.

The Culture Collections represent deposits of cultures from world-wide sources. While every effort is made to ensure details distributed by Culture Collections are accurate, Culture Collections cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the data supplied. References where quoted are mainly attributed to the establishment of the cell culture and not for any specific property of the cell line, therefore further references should be obtained regarding cell culture characteristics. Passage numbers where given act only as a guide and Culture Collections does not guarantee the passage number stated will be the passage number received by the customer.

Cultures supplied by Culture Collections are for research purposes only. Enquiries regarding the commercial use of a cell line are referred to the depositor of the cell line. Some cell lines have additional special release conditions such as the requirement for a material transfer agreement to be completed by the potential recipient prior to the supply of the cell line. Please view the Terms & Conditions of Supply for more information.