Disease and normal cohort collections
ECACC aims to help researchers in their investigation of disease by proving the tools required for quality, reproducible research. This includes supporting large patient cohort studies, providing services for PBL preparation and storage, and EBV immortalisation. ECACC also supplies authenticated cell lines for research including disease specific and control collections and iPSC collections.
Disease specific collections
The MND Collections are managed by the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association.

Control collections
The Human random control collection is a collection of more than 700 B-lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from randomly selected UK Caucasian blood donors whose parents and grandparents were born in the UK or Ireland.

Human Random Controls DNA Panel

Human Random Controls Collection
iPSC collections
ECACC is the official global distributor of iPSC lines from the Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Initiative (HipSci).