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Catalogue No.


Cell Line Name


Cell Line Description

The C10 cell line was established from a 71-year old male patient with moderately well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the descending colon classified as Dukes' stage B.

General Info



Release Conditions

Restricted - commercial organisations are required to complete the 'Cell Line Release Authorisation for Research Use in Commercial Organisations' release conditions form in the supporting documents section.


Tissue of Origin


DNA profile (STR Profile)

Amelogenin: X,Y
CSF1PO: 11
D5S818: 12
D7S820: 10,13
D13S317: 13
D16S539: 11
TH01: 6,9.3
TPOX: 8,9
vWA: 14,15



Culture Conditions

Cell Type


Subculture Routine

Cells grow as small dense islands and will not form a monolayer. C10 cells grow very slowly (see growth curve). Recommended that the cell line should be subcultured approximately every 5-8 days. On resuscitation, Centrifugation of the cells (100g x 5 min) to remove DMSO improves the establishment of a viable culture. Seed cells at 4-7x10,000 cells/cm² and use 0.05% trypsin or trypsin/EDTA as a dissociation reagent. Detached cells will often remain in clumps which may be further disaggregated by repeated pipetting of the cells. Following resuscitation or subculture, the cells take at least 48 hours to re-attach.

Culture Medium

Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium, + 10% Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS) + 2 mM Glutamine

Growth Mode


Additional Info


Licensed from: Cancer Research Technology Ltd Angel Building 407 St John Street London EC1V 4AD. Originator: Sir Walter Bodmer Cancer and Immunogenetics Laboratory, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DS

Country of Origin

United Kingdom

Hazard Group (ACDP)

Hazard Group (ACDP) 2



Browning MJ, Krausa P, Rowan A, Bicknell DC, Bodmer JG, Bodmer WF. 1993 Tissue typing the HLA-A locus from genomic DNA by sequence-specific PCR: comparison of HLA genotype and surface expression on colorectal tumor cell lines. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 90(7):2842-5. PMID: 8464898.


Browning MJ, Krausa P, Rowan A, Hill AB, Bicknell DC, Bodmer JG, Bodmer WF.1993 Loss of human leukocyte antigen expression on colorectal tumor cell lines: implications for anti-tumor immunity and immunotherapy. J Immunother Emphasis Tumor Immunol. 14(3):163-8. PMID: 8297898. Efstathiou JA, Liu D, Wheeler JM, Kim HC, Beck NE, Ilyas M, Karayiannakis AJ, Mortensen NJ, Kmiot W, Playford RJ, Pignatelli M, Bodmer WF.1999 Mutated epithelial cadherin is associated with increased tumorigenicity and loss of adhesion and of responsiveness to the motogenic trefoil factor 2 in colon carcinoma cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96(5):2316-21. PMID: 10051639. Rowan AJ, Lamlum H, Ilyas M, Wheeler J, Straub J, Papadopoulou A, Bicknell D, Bodmer WF, Tomlinson IP. 2000 APC mutations in sporadic colorectal tumors: A mutational "hotspot" and interdependence of the "two hits". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A; 97(7):3352-7. PMID: 10737795. Liu Y, Bodmer WF. 2006 Analysis of P53 mutations and their expression in 56 colorectal cancer cell lines. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(4):976-81. PMID: 16418264. Bracht K, Nicholls AM, Liu Y, Bodmer WF. 2010 5-Fluorouracil response in a large panel of colorectal cancer cell lines is associated with mismatch repair deficiency. Br J Cancer. 103(3):340-6. PMID: 20606684.

Available Formats

  • Frozen
  • DNA-5µg (100ng/µl)

If use of this culture results in a scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: C10 (ECACC 12022901).

Unless specified otherwise, at ECACC we routinely handle all of our cell lines at containment level 2 in accordance with the ACDP guidelines (Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens) (UK). All cell cultures have the potential to carry as yet unidentified adventitious agents. It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country. ACDP Guidance: Biological agents: Managing the risks in laboratories and healthcare premises.

The Culture Collections represent deposits of cultures from world-wide sources. While every effort is made to ensure details distributed by Culture Collections are accurate, Culture Collections cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the data supplied. References where quoted are mainly attributed to the establishment of the cell culture and not for any specific property of the cell line, therefore further references should be obtained regarding cell culture characteristics. Passage numbers where given act only as a guide and Culture Collections does not guarantee the passage number stated will be the passage number received by the customer.

Cultures supplied by Culture Collections are for research purposes only. Enquiries regarding the commercial use of a cell line are referred to the depositor of the cell line. Some cell lines have additional special release conditions such as the requirement for a material transfer agreement to be completed by the potential recipient prior to the supply of the cell line. Please view the Terms & Conditions of Supply for more information.