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Ordering information

The fastest way to order from Culture Collections is online. To do this you will need to register. Products are available to place in your shopping cart before you have registered online, however you need to register to go through checkout.

Prices displayed on this website do not include VAT. If applicable, VAT is added at time of checkout or invoice.

Frequently Asked Question: My organisation already has a credit account set up and we have made purchases in the past, so do I need approval to use this credit account for online purchases? 

If you have not ordered online with us before (i.e. you have ordered by fax or email), you will need to apply for approval to use your credit account before you can complete an order.

See delivery charges and times


Ordering online

Order online by credit card Only certain products, which can be identified on the product detail pages, are available for purchase by credit card.  

Order online by credit account In order to complete an order via a credit account, you must have set up a credit account and had it approved for online purchasing.

In order to apply for a new credit account, go to the 'My Account' page once you have registered and logged in. Here you will find an application form. We will process your application as quickly as we can. In the meantime, if you wish to make an immediate purchase please use the credit card facility (if available) or alternatively email your order to 

We will notify you once your credit account has been set up successfully and approved for online purchasing. You will then be able to log back onto the website and purchase products using the credit account facility. Your order will only be processed when you have accepted the Terms and Conditions of Supply. 


Ordering by email or post

We would encourage you to order online. However, if you wish to submit orders by email or post you can download an order formTelephone orders cannot be accepted.

Postal Address: Culture Collections, UK Health Security Agency, Porton Down, Salisbury, SP4 0JG, United Kingdom

Please provide the following with your order:

  1. VAT Exemption Certificate, if applicable (UK only)

  2. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions of Supply

Please note: You are responsible for informing the Culture Collections of times or days during the working week when goods cannot be received, for example public holidays and site closures.


Ordering through our distributors 

Culture Collections has distributors that can deliver products to your region. Find out more here.


Payment Terms

Under the Terms and Condition of Supply, all payments are due 30 days after date of invoice. In certain circumstances payment may be requested in advance.

Payment is accepted by either cheque, direct bank transfer or credit card in UK Sterling only. Our bank details are:

Account name: UK Health Security Agency

Address: Financial Operations & Control, Accounts Receivable, Porton Down, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 0JG

VAT number: GB 8888 516 48     



US Dollar

Account Name:


Account Name:


Account Name:


Bank: National Westminster Bank Plc

Bank: National Westminster Bank Plc

Bank: National Westminster Bank Plc

Account: 10032487

Account: 550/00/85146897

Account: 140/00/85146889

Sort Code: 60 70 80

Sort Code: 60 70 80

Sort Code: 60 70 80

IBAN Number: GB75 NWBK 60708010032487

IBAN Number: GB80 NWBK 6072 0385

1468 97

IBAN Number: GB49 NWBK 6073 0185

1468 89




Bank Address:

Bank Address:

Bank Address:

London Corporation Service Centre

London Corporation Service Centre

London Corporation Service Centre

CPB Services

CPB Services

CPB Services

2nd Floor

2nd Floor

2nd Floor

280 Bishopsgate

280 Bishopsgate

280 Bishopsgate

London EC2M 4RB

London EC2M 4RB

London EC2M 4RB


Import and export requirements 

Importing requirements for customers outside of the UK

Exporting Culture Collection Products from the UK


Customer service policy

Culture Collections customer service policy


Product formats

Cell lines and nucleic acids

Products may be dispatched on dry ice (solid CO2, <-78.5°C), by liquid nitrogen dry shipper (<-190°C), or at ambient temperature. Store cell lines at <-135°C gas phase liquid nitrogen - do not store above this temperature. 

  • Frozen Cryovial 2-3 x 106 cells* volume: 1mL, cryovial size: 1.8mL

  • Growing Culture 25cm2 flask. Dispatched at ambient temperature. Larger volumes can be quoted for on request

  • Assay Ready Cells Prepared according to customer requirements e.g. 96 well plates for high throughput screening

  • Cell Pellets Frozen cell pellets prepared according to customer requirements e.g. ready for DNA or RNA extraction, or for preparation of slides for immunocytochemistry

  • DNA 10µg, 50µg or 100µg aliquots supplied as frozen solutions at 100ng/µl in 10mM Tris (pH 8.0) 1 mM EDTA. Larger quantities are available 

  • DNA Panels 8 x 12 well format, 96 x 2µg/µl, 100ng/µl per well 

  • RNA 5µg aliquots supplied as frozen solutions at 100ng/µl in 10mM Tris (pH 8.0) 1 mM EDTA. Larger quantities are available 

  • cDNA 20µl aliquots supplied as frozen solutions. These are generated from the reverse transcription of 1µg of total RNA.  Typically 1µl is recommended in a standard block based PCR assay.  

* Fewer cells may be supplied for some fastidious cell lines. Primary cells are generally supplied at approximately 5 x 105 cells per cryovial; see individual lot specific Certificate of Analysis for more details.

Bacteria and Fungi

  • Freeze dried culture Glass ampoule, flame sealed under vacuum, containing approximately 0.2 ml freeze-dried suspension of about 106 colony-forming units. Each ampoule is individually packed in a plastic tube. Dispatched at ambient temperature. Store at + 4°C.


  • Frozen cryovial (volume: 1mL, cryovial size: 1.8mL). Dispatched on dry ice (solid CO2, <-78.5°C)

  • LENTICULE® discs A small range of viral strains are supplied as LENTICULE® discs, which are control-dried discs containing biologically active virus in a water-soluble matrix. Each disc is dispatched at ambient temperature and comes individually packed in a plastic tube. Long-term storage at -20°C (+/- 5°C). Viability and count are not affected significantly following short periods at ambient temperature.


Delivery Information

Find the essential delivery information for your culture collections product.