Training and support
Learning centre
Culture Collection News
ECACC partnerships: accessing cell lines of medical and clinical importance
DNA now available from 330 NCTC bacterial strains
Human enterovirus D68
ECACC publications in collaboration with Durham University
New Neisseria gonorrhoeae reference strains to contribute to global efforts in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance.
Oropouche virus – a reflection
A Message from Hannah McGregor, Head of Culture Collections
New dispatch and service update
New NCPV Batches
NCTC bacterial strain notification – 2022
Cell Culture Training Course
Celebrating 40 years of cell cultures
CancerTools Cell Lines
COSMIC cell lines from ECACC
Unique melanoma cell lines available from ECACC – The FM series
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.4, Omicron BA.5.2.1, and x-ray irradiated Omicron BA.4 available through NCPV
Dispatch and service update
The NCTC3000 project reaches a milestone
Women scientists in ECACC
An insight into bacteriophages and the NCTC bacteriophage collection
ECACC Retrospective - A word from Jim Cooper, ECACC Operational Lead
NCPV New Strains 2022
The Use of Cell Cultures in Biomedical Research: Successes and Avoiding the Pitfalls
NCTC strains underpin Newcastle University study of T7SS immunity genes
Bacterial strains made available by NCTC in 2021
X-Ray inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan-Hu-1 and SARS-CoV-2 Omicron B.1.1.529.BA.2 batches released by NCPV
SARS-CoV-2 England/02/2020 variant / SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant B.1.617.2/20I)
NCTC new bacterial strains 2021
iPSC cell culture training
Dead or alive? Long-term viability testing at NCTC
Vero/hSLAM cell lines for SARS-CoV-2 research
ECACC teach key stage 4 students about stem cells
Publications with NCTC antimicrobial resistant strains
Did you join our webinar?
NCTC Antimicrobial Resistant Reference Strains brochure revisited and revised
The '293' cell line in action: virology research
Identify your cell lines with the AuthentiCell database
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 batch release
Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV) batch release
A case of best practice
Year in review: 2021
Qualifications in The Carriage of Diagnostic & Infectious Substances by Air & Road
Working at Containment Level Three
NCPV releases first batch of X-ray inactivated SARS-CoV-2 (Strain B.1.1.7/N501Y/V1 Kent/Alpha)
The Princess Royal Visits the National Collection of Type Cultures to mark its Centenary year
ECACC Cell Lines are key in vitro tools for SARS-CoV-2 research
Mycology Reference Laboratory (MRL)/NCPF publications 2020-21
Latest news from Anna Dumitriu, NCTC Artist in Residence
NCTC video from the ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting 2021
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting presentations
Posters from ECCO XXXIX. virtual meeting 2021
ECCO XXXIX. Music performed by Ensemble Renard
ECCO XXXIX. Sponsors
mcr-2, 3 and 8 gene positive strains now available from NCTC
Staphylococcal enterotoxins in NCTC strains
Diversity within the chicken gut
NCPV Supporting Research
A-Z of NCTC Strains
Echovirus (echovirus, echovirus...)
iPSCs: a tool to investigate SARS-CoV-2
ACE2 and SARS-CoV2
Five NCTC strains used in proficiency testing with aberrant characteristics
Seasonal human coronaviruses – the forgotten relatives of famous viruses?
UK NEQAS for Microbiology: Molecular detection of SARS-CoV-2 EQA
New UK SMI syndromic documents to be published soon
NCTC zoonotic pathogens: Salmonella bongori
NCTC zoonotic pathogens: Shiga-toxic Escherichia coli reference strains
Supporting veterinary microbiology: From chickens to chinchillas
The National Collection of Type Cultures Centenary in collaboration with the Microbiology Society’s 75th Anniversary
Sticky Issues with 293 Cells
ECACC: A review of 2020
NCTC: A year in review
NCPV in research 2020
Cell culture and QRT PCR Gene Expression
Using cell lines for arbovirus research
Unique cell lines: GP2d and GP5d
Investigating the role of cryptic prophages within their bacterial hosts: NCTC new accessions
Herpes Simplex Virus 1
The Mollicute repository
What's new in Mollicutes?
'AuthentiCell' brand coming soon...
iPSCs revolution in neurodiseases modelling
Happy 100th birthday to NCTC
California Serogroup Viruses
Respiratory syncytial virus
Depositing microbial strains with NCTC
Anglo-Antipodean Partnership and product release of SIRMu-1
Latest news from NCTC Artist in Residence Anna Dumitriu
2019 UK Biobank of the Year Award for MND Association
Cell lines aiding virology research
Looking backward to move forward
NCTC scientists inspiring the future
NCPV in research 2018
Epstein-Barr Virus profile
The importance of immortalising the bacteriophage
Preparing for a project involving cell culture for the new term
Inkoo Virus now added to NCPV's collection
Using cell lines in Virology
Increasingly antimicrobial resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae added to the NCTC & World Health Organisation reference strain panel
Importance of External Quality Assurance
Exploring the pathology of less prominent species
NCTC and the science of small silverware
U-2 OS Cell Line Profile
The NCPV - 20 years of serving the virology community
Rare Salmonella serotype deposited into the NCTC
CO2 concentration and pH control in the cell culture laboratory
UK Biological Resource Centre Network
NCTC: Public Engagement in 2016
NCTC: New bacterial strains in 2016
NCTC in research: Rapid detection method for Salmonella species in animal feed
Type Strains – the most important strains in NCTC?
NCTC and International Women's Day 2017
Lyophilisation: Long-term storage for bacterial strains
Murray, microbes, and me by Kate Baker
Hazard Group 3 bacteria in the NCTC collection
NCTC: a dynamic collection with bla bla bla…....
NCTC Mycobacteria strains in research
Global supply of healthcare products: the Mycobacterium chimaera challenge
Animals, Vegetables, Minerals and NCTC bacteria
Toxigenic Corynebacterium species: Building a modern bio-resource to counter an old disease
NCTC 3000 project: A comprehensive resource of bacterial type and reference genomes
Equivalence with bacterial reference strains
Putting the T in NCTC : Type strains of recently described bacterial species from clinical sources
PHE celebrates the 100th Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) placement student
NCTC: We can’t be experts in everything – so can you contribute?
NCTC and Antimicrobial Medicine : Past, present and future
Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the UK: An update
Blood, sweat and sequencing – NCTC in 2017
Anaerobes for research
Antibiotic resistance - a significant challenge to public health microbiology
Authenticating Anaerobes
The Role of Proteomics in the National Collection of Type Cultures
An Update on NCTC 3000: A Type Culture Reference Genome Project
The Rise and Rise of BacteriophagesReferences
NCTC 14055 – a reference control for a bla-FRI variant
Research in focus: Hyper virulent Klebsiella pneumoniae
NCTC in the media: Scientists map genetic codes of 3000 dangerous bacteria
NCTC welcomes Anna Dumitriu as artist in residence
Dr. Muriel Robertson FRS (1883-1973) for the new £50 design
PHE’s Next Generation Sequencing Service validates NCTC10538 E. coli K12 DNA as a sequencing control
NCTC’s partner in Beijing
NCTC: the national collection supporting global health
New deep sequenced reference genome and genome browser available for NCTC 14078 Streptococcus pneumoniae
NCTC bacteriophage collection and repository
NCPV’s global impact in 2016: Zika virus and beyond
Yellow Fever – a persisting pathogen
NCPV Brochure
Mumps: A jaw titan
Are you starting a PhD in microbiology?
From Antivirals to Zika: NCPV in 2017
Chikungunya virus
Viral Nucleic Acids
NCPV 500: An Electronic Resource for Mining Viral Genomes
Usutu virus: A new addition to the NCPV catalogue
Three Species D Adenovirus Isolated from Patients with AIDS Whole Genome Sequenced
Arboviruses available from NCPV
Buffalo Pox
Herpes simplex virus type 1 panel
Call for Research Applications to the PHE-MOHS Ebola Biobank
New NCPV viruses in 2018
How culture collections can assist responses to emerging disease
UK SMI: New HEV screening document
NCPF in research: Phaeohyphomycosis cyst associated with Medicopsis romeroi infection
NCPF in research: New species responsible for black grain mycetoma identified
Identification of a new fungal species: Exophiala campbellii
NCPF in research: MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry for the identification of eumycetoma agents and related fungi
NCPF in Research: Update on the emerging pathogen Candida auris in the UK
The Aspergillus fumigatus genome-wide knockout collection
Breaking the mould (and the yeasts) in biomedical research – NCPF in 2017
ECACC: A Dynamic Culture Collection for Disease Research
Ian Freshney Tribute
Advances in molecular pathology: Cell line authentication
Calling all Technology Transfer Offices
Webinar Growing Pains: Cell Culture Challenges and Best Practices
Applying good cell culture practice to novel systems
Roland Nardone – Pioneer in the field of cell line authentication
In vitro Modelling of the Gut Brain Axis and Microbiome for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Advanced cell culture systems for investigating microbe-host interactions
100 tiny steps – ECACC in research in 2017
Celebrating Ten Years of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Variety and applications of Nucleic Acid products
Choosing the correct growth media
Optimisation of the cryo-preservation of chick embryo fibroblast cells (CEF)
The repercussions of using misidentified cell lines
Informed consent
Interpretation of STR profiles for human cell line identification
Conservation through Cell Culture
Depositing a cell line with ECACC: the strengths of quality control, storage and distribution
Making cell lines more physiologically relevant for toxicology testing
ECACC: Supporting life science research and technology transfer
10 Years of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: From Theory to Accessible Research Tools
Celebrating 30 years of cell culture training at ECACC
Cell culture: useful publications and websites
STR profiling using FTA cards
3D cell culture models
Setting up an inverted phase contrast microscope for tissue culture
Reproducibility in pre-clinical life science research
CHO cell lines expressing Fcγ receptors – an in vitro tool for antibody based drug discovery
ECACC cell lines in research: 2016
FBS Screening
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